CHEMISTRY 1-25-12 Flame Test Lab

CHEMISTRY: Wow! Great job on the flame test lab – pretty cool, huh?! It’s one of my favorite labs. What was your favorite color. Did it help you understand something about how fireworks must work?

Lab reports are due Monday. What about the conclusion? Answer the objective, and explain how you used flame tests to identify an unknown. And don’t forget the questions at the end!

Flame test - Cu
Image source…/JCE2004p1776AWfig4.gif

Hon Chemistry 1-24-12 History of the Periodic Table

HON CHEMISTRY: From Tuesday, here’s the brief, brief intro we did on the history of the periodic table – right before you started pretending to be Mendeleev. πŸ™‚

We missed you Candice. Happy new baby in your family!

Image sorce

Chemistry 1-23-12 Photoelectric Effect

CHEMISTRY: Fun field trip today! What? There really aren’t tiny people living in boxes above the doors at Wal-mart? Good job coming up with examples of the photoelectric effect. I hadn’t ever thought about those automatic flush toilets! πŸ™‚

What did you think about the problems? Again, make sure you not only memorize formulas, but also be careful to learn the symbols and units for each of the quantities you’re going to use, it’s easy to get them confused. Here’s the lecture from Monday – well, not exactly. Someone, and that would be me, forgot to turn on the mic, so here’s a blast from the past that will work.

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Chemistry 1-20-12 Wave Properties of Light

CHEMISTRY: So tell me again, if we’re supposed to be figuring out electrons, why are we studying waves? Here’s the lecture from Friday on just that. Make sure you know the types of electromagnetic radiation and the uses of most of them (all except for long waves). How’d you like the light problems – so far? We’ll explore waves further Monday – make sure you bring a calculator to class!

flickr photo by kevin dooley

Hon Chemistry 1-18-12 Noble Gas Notation

HON CHEMISTRY – Okay, maybe the noble gases do have more in common with this noble of the jungle than I thought! Here’s the lecture from Thursday on writing noble gas notation. Are you learning to read/write it from the periodic table? πŸ™‚

flickr photo by Rennett Stowe

Hon Chemistry 1-17-12 Electron Configuration Notation

HON CHEMISTRY: How are you doing with electron configuration notation? Do you like it better than orbital notation – a lot shorter, huh? Practice tonight, and let’s look at an even shorter way tomorrow. No peeking! Make sure you do electron configuration the regular way tonight, not using n—e g-s c———–n! πŸ™‚

flickr photo by tricky β„’

Physics Light Bulb Drop Project 1-16-12

PHYSICS: Will it break?!? Good luck – but of course it’s a lot more than luck! Don’t forget what you learned about impulse and change in momentum. And bouncing! Don’t forget to bring a light bulb. Or two? And it would be a great idea to go back over the Light Bulb Drop Project Sheet


Hon Chemistry 1-13-12 Quantum Numbers & Orbital Notation

HON CHEMISTRY: Happy Friday the 13th! Is it making more sense now – all the quantum numbers, I mean? Did your brain get too full today, too? πŸ™‚ I think you’ll get the hang of orbital notation very quickly. Don’t forget to use the Aufbau Principle! Also, be sure to add number 31 to the homework for Friday night. Have a great extra long weekend!

flickr photo by Iguana Jo