Hon Chemistry 8-31-11 Conversion Factors

HON CHEMISTRY – Hey guys! So how fast would this be in Guatemala? Did you feel like you were in a foreign language class today? Good job on using conversion factors! I know you’ve worked these problems in your math courses, make sure you learn to work them using the Q formula!!

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7 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 8-31-11 Conversion Factors

  1. On the homework, when you just have to list the conversion factors, do you put both possible conversion factors or do you use the Q formula?

  2. Like Hope, I was wondering the same thing. I watched the class lesson because I was out today, but you didn’t cover it, or so I think. My question is: If on those problems (pg 40, #’s 1-6) you want us to use the Q formula, do we just put it into the Q formula AS IF we were going to solve it, then just box it as our answer?

  3. Did you say to list the Q formula in our work for EVERY problem that uses this, or can we just show the formula with our work plugged into the formula?

    Ex (of work):

    QS = QG x CF <-- Do we have to include this? x=800g x (relevant conversion factor) = [answer]

  4. When we are working with conversions, do we need to write anything else at the beginning of the problem except the Q formula and what we are converting?

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